Witching Chronicles: Exploring The delving’s All Paths Diverge

At its core, All Paths Diverge by delving feels like a musical conversation with unpredictability. Imagine standing at a crossroads, each direction filled with swirling colors and sounds, none of them leading to a clear destination but all inviting exploration. This is the world Nick DiSalvo crafts on his second full-length album. There’s no need to pin down what genre this belongs to because it refuses to sit still long enough to be categorized. It’s a blend – psychedelic, krautrock-ish, progressive, and electronic – all dancing around each other without stepping on toes.

Written between tours and studio work with Elder, the album carries a sense of motion, almost like it was composed during a journey rather than in one sitting. There’s a looseness here, a freedom that wasn’t as present in the pandemic-bound debut. Seven tracks stretch out patiently, as if time itself has slowed to let each note and beat breathe deeply. But this isn’t indulgent – it’s purposeful. DiSalvo lets each song move like a river, changing course naturally as new elements appear.

There’s a pulse running through it – rhythms that repeat like an engine rumbling steadily underneath the surface. But above that, everything is fluid. Guitars shimmer, synths hum in the distance, and just when you think you know where it’s going, it shifts direction. And yet, nothing feels abrupt. It’s all part of the journey.

The album’s title – All Paths Diverge – is a bit of a personal philosophy. DiSalvo seems to be saying that life isn’t about finding the “right” path but about realizing that every direction you take leads somewhere worth experiencing. Each track here reflects that idea. There’s nostalgia woven into the melodies, memories tied to the sounds, but also a forward-looking curiosity.

What makes this album resonate is the feeling that it’s not trying to make a grand statement – it’s just trying to capture a moment. A lot has changed since the first delving album, both for DiSalvo and the world, and that sense of flux is what drives the music. It doesn’t force you to think too hard. Instead, it invites you to sit back, let the sounds wash over you, and feel something, whatever that may be.

All Paths Diverge is an album best experienced as a whole. It’s not about individual tracks or standout moments. It’s about the atmosphere, the mood, the feeling that you’re floating between worlds where nothing is permanent but everything is connected. DiSalvo has created a soundscape that invites you in without ever revealing all its secrets, leaving you with the sense that no matter which path you choose, it’ll take you somewhere interesting.

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Released by Blues Funeral Records on August 23, 2024