Witching Riffs: Behind the Sound of THE LUMBERJACK FEEDBACK

Introduction: Due to time constraints as regular individuals running Witching Buzz and focusing primarily on writing reviews, we are limited to publishing only one (occasionally two) review(s) per day. However, we strongly believe in providing greater exposure to deserving bands and musicians who have put in immense effort. As a result, we have launched a new section called “Witching Riffs: Behind the Sound.” In this section, we have crafted a series of intriguing questions that we pose to every band or musician who wishes to share more about their unique projects. While the questions remain the same for each participant, the diversity among bands ensures that the answers will be fascinating and diverse. So, sit back, relax, and enjoy this captivating journey as we delve into the minds and stories of these talented artists.


What drew you to the immersive and hypnotic sounds? How do you aim to captivate your listeners with this genre?
I personally am a longtime listener to this kind of music. Discovering in my teenage years the first record from Earth (Extra-capsular Extraction) was a turning point in my musical tastes and education.
It somehow fascinated me while being boring and pointless to most of my friends.

Can you share the story behind your band name? How does it reflect the essence of your music?
The name came from a teacher who was asking Simon (only OG member of the group now) to describe the music he played with his band. Don’t know exactly what Simon said but the teacher ended up saying it sounded to him like it must be some lumberjack feedback. The idea stayed.

What are some unconventional or unexpected influences that have shaped your unique blend?
As far as unconventional, and speaking for myself, eastern drone music is always a nice flavor to sparkle on our music.
Some film soundtracks too, like the wonderful Paris Texas by Ry Cooder.

How do you approach creating expansive and atmospheric soundscapes? What techniques or methods do you employ to achieve that signature vibe?
We don’t have specific techniques or formula. Jamming without any particular direction is most of the times the first step in a new track. Of course the use of effects like massive reverb and delays provides us some atmospheric soundscapes.
And with those more atmospheric tracks, dynamic is the key.

Are there specific themes or emotions you seek to convey through your music? How do alternative music help you express those concepts effectively?
Through our last LP (The Stronghold), fortitude and resilience were the main theme components.
Without any word we have to convey these ideas, which can be challenging. Again dynamics are key elements.

Share a remarkable moment or incident from your journey as a band that exemplifies the spirit of your music.
With two drums, two guitars and a bass, when everyone is synced, the power of this very low and massive sound can be really overwhelming. So as far, as I’m concerned, those moments when we are playing live and that tears automatically roll on my face. I’m not really there anymore, while being REALLY there.

In what ways do you envision your music progressing or evolving in the future? Are there any new elements or experimental approaches you’d like to incorporate?
There’s already been a change, or evolution I should say, in our music. We naturally departed from the pure doom side of things. Some « lighter » sounds and melodies invited themselves in the equation. And, for now, no one knows what will be the next steps.

Is there a particular song in your discography that perfectly encapsulates the essence of your music? Please elaborate on its creation and significance.
I would say the last track of our last album, which is The Stronghold. It encapsulates almost everything we love, power, beauty, sadness, joy.

What do you hope listeners experience or feel when they immerse themselves in your compositions? Is there a specific mood or sensation you aim to evoke?
Close your eyes, travel with us for a while, then headbang like crazy when time comes!

Turbo Regime:
– Fuzz or distortion? – FUZZZZZZ
– Analog or digital effects? – ANALOG
– Sabbath or Zeppelin? – (Tough one…) ZEPPELIN
– Heavy riff or mind-bending solo? – HEAVY RIFF
– Vintage gear or modern equipment? – VINTAGE


Label: Argonauta Records
PR: Grand Sounds Promotion